16" Toyota Prius #61165 Hubcap Options

Please Read:
  • Before ordering, please pay close attention to the Toyota Hubcap Options we offer below!
  • Listed at far left is a SILVER Factory Toyota hubcap in LIKE-NEW condition!
  • At center is a HYPER SILVER Factory Toyota Hubcap that is sold in AS-IS condition, as we do not refinish hyper silver.
  • Listed at far right is a SILVER REPLICA hubcap that does not have the Toyota logo.
  • Please watch our informational video below for more details!
*Please note, the hubcaps listed below ONLY FIT an alloy wheel, not a steel wheel!*
Factory Original
Like-New With Toyota Logo
#61165 (Silver)
16" Prius 2012-2018
$75 each
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Factory Original
As-Is with Toyota Logo
#61165-HS (Hyper Silver)
16" Prius 2012-2018
$50 each
Call for Availability
(800) 826-5880
Replica Suggestion
No Toyota Logo (Silver)
16" Silver REPLICA
$45 each or 4 for $140
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Warning: Watch Video Before Purchase

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