When Audi had been having a series of recalls for their cars and their Audi Hub Caps and stuff, that’s when their sales started falling. The reason why they were having recalls was because of sudden unintended acceleration – these were linked to 700 accidents and 6 deaths.
There was a 60 Minutes report that was aired on November 23, 1986. The episode had featured 6 different people that were suing the company because of the whole acceleration problem. After all the research and investigation was done, the court came to the conclusion that it wasn’t their fault. The main reason why this was happening was because drivers were confusing the pedals (which I have no idea how that can happen).
Because of the confusion, Audi put more distance between the brake and accelerator pedal on automatic-transmission models; they even updated their Audi Hubcaps while they had the chance.
Did/Do you know anyone with this issue?