2013 Fresno California Buy Trip
On this Fresno buy trip, our boss Rick Mefferd came across a wrecking yard while he was driving through Central California in October of 2013. At first glance, he thought he might just be able to sort through the 100,000 plus hubcaps alone but after a day of 105-degree weather, he called in reinforcements! Fabio, the head of our restoration department, hopped on a plane the same day and met Rick at this treasure trove of a wrecking yard. The stack Rick is sitting on in the pictures below is at the mouth of a 100 acre yard and the start of a half mile long, 5 foot tall, 40 foot wide mountain of hubcaps! This yard was a picture of a lifetime of collecting, from rusted out vintage vehicles to an entire bus full of wheel covers the owner wanted to save. And they sorted through every single one, loaded them and brought back several thousand to our location in Chino, California!
The pictures below are amazing to see! Picture a 100-acre yard, filled very organized with cars, tires, wind shields from all kinds of makes and models, with hubcaps sitting in the scorching sun in 40 ft. wide mounds! Now imagine two men picking through and loading thousands upon thousands of classic, antique wheel covers. It’s that kind of drive and passion that sustains an inventory of over one million hubcaps!!
Check Out These Buy Trip Pictures!