2014 Reno, Nevada Buy Trip
On a recent to Reno Nevada, our owner Rick Mefferd and our restoration manager Fabio visited Mitch of Mr. Hubcap, along with several different locations just this month in August of 2014! This time they sorted through a huge amount of excess inventory of the Mr. Hubcap shop, a business that has been alive and well since 1980! When they were finished there, they traveled directly across to hit quite a few more stores in Northern California. Once there, Sheryl, our Boss’s sister, took time to help out and assisted our guys for a day loading and sorting through thousands of wheel covers! It was definitely a special treat to have her there, to enjoy the gorgeous weather and to spend some time with her brother! After everything was said and done, Rick and Fabio drove the 5,000 hubcap load in a U Haul truck back down to our warehouse in Southern California. We were definitely happy to see them and to sort through the old and the new wheel covers and center caps that they brought back.
Take a look at the pictures below to see the 5,000 hub caps and center caps that our owner Rick and our restoration manager Fabio scavenged Reno Nevada for! With the help of Sheryl, this wonderful mixture of new and old was loaded and brought home to beautiful So Cal to our warehouse in Chino California! Another successful trip with more savings and products for you all to choose from!
Check Out These Buy Trip Pictures!