Chevrolet CHVC31 & CHVC33B Center Cap Options
WARNING: Before placing your order, make sure that you identify the wheel that you have on your Chevrolet before purchasing your center cap. One of these center caps goes to a STEEL WHEEL ONLY and the other goes to an ALLOY WHEEL ONLY. They DO NOT INTERCHANGE!

Center Cap #CHVC33B (Chrome)
Number On Back: 9597163, 9597959, 15052379
Physical Size: Approx. 8 1/2 Inches Wide
$160 each
Call for Availability
(800) 826-5880
(800) 826-5880

Center Cap #CHVC31 (Chrome)
Number On Back: 9597169, 9597170
Physical Size: Approx. 8 1/8 Inches Wide
$85 each
Call for Availability
(800) 826-5880
(800) 826-5880
Replica Option: For those of you looking for a comparable, less expensive option for your original center cap #CHVC31 pictured above, please consider the brand new replica center cap pictured below. Please note that this replica is an option for #CHVC31 ONLY and will only fit on the alloy wheel listed below!