Free Shipping of Hubcaps to New York
Attention New Yorkers: your source for factory original hub caps is ready and waiting to serve you! Here at, our goal is to make sure that you don’t have to visit the dealer and pay their high prices for the wheel covers and center caps that you need. With us, you are getting over 30 years of experience put to use finding you exactly what you need for your car or truck so that you don’t have to do the hard part yourself. Thousands of customers have come to us irritated with their search because of what they have had to put up with at their local junkyard. They have spent hours looking and getting filthy only to come up with a center cap that is damaged or beaten up. We want to save you from all that right off the bat, all you have to do is give us a chance to do so.
In contrast to what you would find in your local Buffalo salvage yard, offers you a product that screams quality. Nothing that we send you will ever be broken and you will never have to deal with scratches and dents on your hubcaps. Every item is inspected first before it is sent out to ensure that you are 100% happy with your experience with us. It doesn’t make much sense to take your chances when you have a company that offers so much and makes this entire process so easy. Find your wheelcovers with our hub cap shop today and we’ll make you a customer for life!
From Yonkers to Brooklyn, all of you East Coast New York customers only have to wait 5 business days for your order to arrive. Not only that but our hubcap store provides FREE shipping just to show you that we care about making this easy for you. Please forget about your local junkyard, they had their chance to help and all you got for it was dirt, grime and a broken product. From all of us here at, we look forward to working with you soon!

Shipping Chart
City | Shipping Time |
New York | 4 Days |
Buffalo | 5 Days |
Rochester | 5 Days |
Yonkers | 4 Days |
Syracuse | 5 Days |
Albany | 5 Days |
New Rochelle | 4 days |
Mount Vernon | 4 Days |
Schenectady | 5 Days |
Utica | 5 Days |
White Plains | 4 Days |