Free Shipping of Hubcaps to Vermont
Thank you for visiting a page about the company that is your best option for hub caps and center caps! With us, it’s never just about making money and sending our customers on their way, we are always here to help you with whatever you may need. In particular, those of you in Vermont should be particularly excited because we are your way out of the junkyard! It doesn’t make much sense to spend your spare time driving to and from your local salvage yards when you could give us a call and have the entire ordeal done with in less then a half hour. With over 30 years of experience, has the means and the motive to find the wheel covers that you need for your car or truck AND you won’t pay nearly what you would at the dealership. If this sounds like an alternative you can get into, just give us a call or visit our website for more information!
Used is kind of an ugly word and it seems to bring up a dirty, beaten up image in most people’s minds. Forget what you know about used because with us, you won’t be able to tell our hubcaps from new ones from the dealership, expect when you compare the prices! Our products are something that we take pride in, whether it’s something for a classic car or wheelcovers for a newer model. You will never receive something from our company that looks bad or that is broken and we promise you will pleasantly surprised at the condition of our items. Our hubcap shop is a place you can always trust in terms of customer service and quality.
No matter where in Vermont you live, whether it be in Montpelier or Winooski, our shipping is FREE and will only take 5 business days! You don’t have to do any driving and after you order, all you have to do is sit back and wait for what you need to arrive. We make sure that your center cap order will get from our hub cap store to your home or business that quickly because we sincerely care about your time! Let us help you, we promise it will be worth it!

Shipping Chart
City | Shipping Time |
Burlington | 5 Days |
Chittenden | 5 Days |
South Burlington | 5 Days |
Rutland | 5 Days |
Barre | 5 Days |
Montpelier | 5 Days |
Winooski | 5 Days |
St. Albans | 5 Days |
Newport | 5 Days |
Vergennes | 5 Days |